How To Use The Crystal Map

The About Mapwork section of the site, explains the purpose of the Crystal Map and is worth reading if you haven't done so already.

Intent is crucial when working with the Crystal Map. Bear this in mind when you're placing crystals. Keep your intents simple, to the point, positive and sincere. Place crystals anywhere on the map. You might for example, zoom in and place a crystal on your home or the home of someone you care about and to whom you wish to send blessings. Consider placing crystals on war zones and the countries you're working with through the Earthlife readings. Heavily polluted areas, regions where commercial concerns outweigh resource preservation and places devastated by Earth processes like earthquakes, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and wild fires would also benefit from your support.

For first time users, we recommend you read the Crystal Map Help before beginning by clicking the help button on the Crystal Map toolbar. Once you are in the Map View, the Help can be accessed by clicking on the  icon. The processes are very simple once you get the hang of them. There's nothing you can break on the Crystal Map, so please experiment. You can always delete your crystal placements if you're unhappy with them. We suggest that you start by placing single stones. Once you're comfortable doing that, add stones to existing grids that you wish to support. Should you feel strongly about a particular planetary cause, start a new grid and watch it grow as others add their contribution.