Earthbody And The Giza Pyramids

Part 1

Earthbody’s Eyemap grid is a unique tool. As an ancient foundation grid, it underpins and guides our lives past and present - from where we live and work, to why a temple might have been built in a particular position; from why we feel healthy and happy in certain places, to why Brandberg quartz crystals are good for opening the higher faculties of the mind; and from why the American and Russian governments will always be at odds with each other, to why Donald Trump thrives in New York.

The Eyemap grid is unlike other grids, which use ancient sites and other predetermined points to develop their framework. The original Eyemap template has an exact size, origins point and geometry, that’s projected across the planet with mathematical precision. Ancient sites do not create the grid but rather, are located within it, like everything else on our planet. Why is this important? Because it limits researcher bias. A site’s location cannot be changed or manipulated - it is where it is - and so in a certain sense, we are forced to re-evaluate what we think we know about these sites, based on where they are located in the Earth’s anatomy. It's a refreshing approach. New information and novel ways of looking at old sites may assist us in advancing our understanding of them.

Once the Eyemap grid had been established across the planet and we began plotting ancient sites, I was surprised that ‘earth navel stones’ like the omphaloi1 of Delphi, Jerusalem and Karnak, as well as key sites on Easter Island and in Cuzco, traditionally viewed as centres of the world, did not correspond with any of our grid centres. I was however astonished to discover, that more ancient sites plotted in key central positions. This was significant because these were locations considered sacred by the ancient people of our planet, like the San, Inca and Aborigines. These people, referred to in the esoteric tradition as the ‘twelve tribes’, must surely have known about this grid. How else would their sites be so perfectly located? This was a momentous revelation. ‘Immaculate’ placements across such great Earth expanses not only affirmed the accuracy of the Eyemap grid, but also meant that we now had a valuable tool and a new way of seeing and exploring ourselves and our world.

The ancient Egyptians, also considered to be one of the tribal twelve, clearly knew about this grid. Old Cairo has a clustering of ancient sites in and around a core projection point of the Eyemap grid. These sites appear to have been purposefully developed in this position, which would suggest that other ancient Egyptian constructions must also have adhered to this same schema.

With this in mind, what can we then learn about the Giza Pyramids through the Eyemap grid? 

The Great Pyramid of Khufu and Pyramid of Khafre are both located within an aspect of the Earth’s breast. They are the only two archaeological sites thus far plotted in ‘breast’ positions in the world. Two breast locations for two pyramids. Seems apt. Parts of their eastern and southern facades straddle the Earth’s rib cage, which is seemingly strange. The Pyramid of Menkaure is located entirely within the rib cage. So we have two different stories … a breast story … and a rib story.

Let’s begin with the breast positions.

There is much speculation about the age and builders of the pyramids. Assuming we adopt the traditional view, that Khufu was the builder of the Great Pyramid then, given everything we know about the importance of stature in Egyptian kingship and the creation of lasting legacies, we would expect this pyramid, as the first one built at Giza, to have been constructed on the highest bedrock. It was built 10 metres lower than the Pyramid of Khafre. Given the precision with which the pyramids were built and the accuracy of other site placements viewed through the Eyemap grid, this cannot have been a ‘mistake’. This was deliberate. So if prominence was not what drove Khufu’s construction, what was? Functionality perhaps, as a left or right breast?

Khufu’s Pyramid bears ‘left’ breast characteristics. It was constructed first, on a lower section of the plateau. It is the largest pyramid of the three at Giza and has a complex internal structure. The left is synonymous with feminine energy, the Moon and subconscious mind. The Moon’s connection to Khufu’s Pyramid is corroborated through geometry: the ratio between the Earth’s diameter and the distance between the centres of the Earth and Moon, have been built into the Great Pyramid’s design.2

Feminine energies are regarded as more powerful than male energies, but are distinctively discrete and operate behind the scenes – they are ‘lower down’, but are vast and infinitely more potent. Duty, rather than prominence, might have been Khufu’s motive. This pyramid had a specific purpose and had to be built like this. There appears to have been a preconceived grand plan in the Giza Pyramid layout. All three pyramids are aligned with the stars of Orion’s Belt and recent evidence suggests that their relative proportions are derived from the stars that make up Orion’s Belt. It also appears that the last built Pyramid of Menkaure, was designed first, so that the proportions of the Pyramids of Khufu and Khefren could be determined.3

Khafre’s Pyramid bears right breast characteristics, the Sun, masculine energy and the conscious mind. Its prominence on the Giza plateau, red granite casing at its base and the proximity of the Sphinx, a symbol of the Sun and Leo/Sun masculine energy corresponds with this idea. In the New Kingdom, the Sphinx was seen as an image of the sun god (male) and thus probably also in the 4th Dynasty.4 Male energies tend to be bolder and visually more dominant as we see with Khafre’s Pyramid Complex, which is far more elaborate than Khufu’s.

Ancient Egyptian mythology and imagery may help us to understand why these pyramid positions are significant. Breast-feeding iconography is associated with the great goddess Isis. Depictions of her nursing her child, the sun god Horus, are common. Bronze and faience figures of her as the nursing mother have been found in their thousands.5 Her hieroglyphic name means throne and her headdress was a throne, which points to her association with kingship and thus power. Isis’ milk was not only considered life-giving nourishment, but also, the source of enlightenment and immortality, which is why pharaohs liked to be depicted as her suckling child. As mother, she would determine their lives as incarnations of Horus; as goddess, she would determine their immortality and the quality of their after-lives like Osiris.6

The heliacal rising (re-birth) of Sirius each year heralded the flooding of the Nile and abundance that would follow with the harvest. Aquifers and tunnels underlying the Pyramids of Khufu and Khafre would fill in the same way as a mother’s breasts fill and provide sustenance for her newborn child. Pyramid Code theorists7 speculate that the pyramids glowed as the aquifers filled and generated an electrical current. If this is true, both pyramids, encased in white Turah limestone and resembling breasts (in both shape and size) might have appeared to be flowing milk. This would undoubtedly have been a spectacular sight! Milk-flowing-pyramid-breasts may sound extreme, but there is room for this idea given that the ancient Egyptians believed that the stars of the Milky Way were created by spilled milk from the Moon Goddesses flowing breasts.

So with Sirius’ arrival came physical sustenance. Just as Isis’ breasts sustained the gods and kings, the pyramid Earth breasts of Khufu and Khafre sustained the people and Kingdom of Egypt.

Whilst the breast is soft and feminine and linked to Isis, ribs are hard and masculine (like the biblical Adam’s rib) and associated with Osiris, Isis’ male counterpart. So we have two ‘pyramid breast positions’ connected to Isis and her stellar expression Sirius (A and B) and three ‘pyramid rib positions’ related to Osiris and his stellar expression, the three stars comprising Orion’s Belt. The straddling of the Pyramids of Khufu and Khafre over the breast/rib cusp now makes sense. The two–three, feminine-masculine, Isis-Osiris, Sirius-Orion combination would not otherwise have been possible.

We look to the function of the rib cage in our own bodies to give us an idea of the role of the pyramids performed through Osiris. The rib cage gives form to the human body and most importantly protection to the vital organs – the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. The rib cage is linked also to respiration as it moves to allow the thorax to expand and contract for breathing.

The rib cage underlies the breasts and so by analogy, Osiris ‘underlies’ Isis, providing fundamental structure and protection of all that is vital for her to perform her life-giving role to gods and kings and by extension, to the people of the Kingdom of Egypt. Osiris supports Isis in ‘breathing life’ into others. She is the breath, the sustenance, which ensures life exists both physically and spiritually.8

The rib cage curiously resembles a pyramid in structure – it is rigid, layered in form and triangular in shape. Flesh decomposes upon death; the skeleton does not. So the rib cage in a certain sense, ‘survives death’ just like Osiris ‘survives death’. He is transformed and revivifies in a parallel world. It’s an important point in understanding Osiris’ role from an Earthbody perspective. Osiris was lord of the dead, the Underworld/Duat and afterlife, but also lord of transmutation, resurrection and regeneration. If the pharaoh wanted to ‘survive’ like Osiris, he would have to ‘enter the tomb’ and transform himself. 

For the pharaohs, the pyramids were seen as places of ascension and transformation. This is seen in their names. Khufu’s Pyramid called Akhet Khufu meant ‘horizon’ or ‘radiant place’. Of the 26 known pyramids, six had names referring to the rising of the king; five stated that the kings were ‘established’ and ‘endured’; five referred to his perfection, and eight were named for the king’s ‘thrones’ which ‘rise’, ‘flourish’ and are ‘pure’, ‘divine’ and ‘perfect’.9

Traditional Egyptologists see the pyramids as real burial sites – tombs - an ‘Osirian’ viewpoint. But this is not the full picture.10 When we take the Isis-breast connection into account, a different image emerges. Breasts are related to the Reproductive System and are thus connected to the ‘womb’. Reproduction suggests fertility and growth, not death and decay. Isis’ life-giving capacity is reflected in her ability to re-create Osiris’ missing male member, to ‘revive’ him long enough, ‘hover over him’ and conceive Horus their son. Isis is the dominant force determining the existence of family - the holy trinity of mother-father-child, goddess-god-sun (son) god. 

As the rib cage underlies the breast, the tomb underlies the womb. From tomb to womb - from death to life. It is unlikely from this perspective, that the pyramids were final resting places for dead pharaohs, but rather, places to which a corpse might have been taken and rituals performed – specific to the ‘identity of the pyramid’ so feminine/subconscious/Moon rituals in the case of Khufu’s Pyramid - to ensure the alchemical transformation of the pharaoh through the Osirian Underworld, which is the realm of the Moon. Having successfully passed through the trials of this chthonic realm, the pharaoh would be granted solar illumination and spiritual release amongst the circumpolar stars.

The Underworld process was not only physical, but spiritual too, as we see in the Pyramid Texts texts that speak of the ‘living Osiris’ - the divine king of Egypt and living Horus assuming the form of Osiris, entering the Duat and returning as a rejuvenated Horus. The pyramids may therefore have been used for ritualistic purposes by living pharaohs and other initiates.

The following image from the Amduat (the Book Of What Is In The Underworld), sums up the Earthbody breast-rib cage view.


The Amduat is an ancient Egyptian funerary text of the New Kingdom that describes the 12-hour nocturnal journey of the Sun through the Underworld/Duat. It’s an allegory for the ‘death’ and resurrection process of the king.

There are three registers. At the 5th hour a pyramid emerges from the lower register, over which a primeval mound appears resembling … a breast! And if that isn’t convincing enough, the figure that appears at the apex of the pyramid is called the ‘flesh of Isis who is over the land of Sokar’ - the mysterious form of Osiris.11 At the base of the pyramid is an oval egg, within which Sokar/Osiris and the sun god Ra fuse allowing transformation to happen. Resurrection takes place in the top register. Kephri the scarab beetle emerges from a ‘nipple’-like burial mound pushing the Sun ball through the gates of the horizon. Ultimately, it is the renewal of life through an alchemical fusion and transformation in the hidden egg-like chamber in the depths of the pyramid that facilitates the sunrise and king’s soul ascension.

Speaking of nipples, what about the actual nipple position on the Giza Plateau?

The three pyramids are nowhere near it; they straddle the breast/rib cage cusp. Given the importance of the breast, would the actual projection from which milk is secreted not be important? As we don’t have any other ancient sites located in breast positions we can’t compare or know what to expect. Can we ignore it? I don’t think so. With all the speculation about hidden tunnels, secret chambers and halls of records, who knows what we may find? A well-spring of information perhaps? 

We’ve plotted the nipple position to the west of the Pyramids of Khufu and Khafre. Anybody in the mood to explore?


Salome Pouroulis
Johannesburg, October 2015

(Links revised July 2016)


We are all modern day initiates. We have to transform in order to grow and improve ourselves. The Pyramids of Giza are unique. Regardless of whether you can travel there or not, Earthbody offers you the opportunity to experience these gifts through its Reading Modules.



This is absolutely phenomenal that we can now have access to travelling time and space of which we can find out what else was and what else could be ! I find great resonance in all the above and also more inspired to know that I am not alone in the questions I ask when alone and may seek to unveil ! Incredible site !!
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